SAP Table - T706_SUB_SRV_C_T

DescriptionSubcodes for Goods and Services
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryTravel Management

SAP Travel Management Tables

T702CName for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense TypeFI-TV
TA20PS1Class Rule (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
FTPT_TM_MEMOMemo table for Travel ManagementFI-TV
T706_LGARTWage Type Assignmt Table for Clearing Add.Amts/Inc.Rel Exp.FI-TV
T706PDate Interval for Miles/Kms AccumulationFI-TV
PTRV_RECDETAILParticipant(s) in Entertainment ReceiptsFI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHT_FAREAssignment table: flights <-> rate componentsFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FQTVSEGIMR: Assignment Table Customer Programs to Flight SegmentsFI-TV
TA20NCRNegotiated Car Rental RatesFI-TV
PTRV_DELETE_LOGLog Table for Deleted TripsFI-TV

Full List of SAP Travel Management Tables