SAP Table - T74IP

SAP TableT74IP
DescriptionBenefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryBenefits

SAP Benefits Tables

T7XASBDependent Cover TextsPA-BN
PA0167HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)PA-BN
T7XASGClaims processing Balance tablePA-BN
T5UBEBenefit Health Plan OptionPA-BN
T74HCBenefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignmentPA-BN
T74_CCE01Benefit Personal Adjustment ReasonPA-BN
T7XASLTexts Claims groups for programPA-BN
T5UBHBenefit cost rule variantPA-BN
T74ABCOBRA dependent of qualified beneficiaryPA-BN
T74GGBenefit employee contribution rule variant textsPA-BN

Full List of SAP Benefits Tables