SAP Table - T7791

SAP TableT7791
DescriptionAssignment to SAP Organizational Object Type
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBusiness Management

SAP SAP Business Workflow Tables

WFPRCWorkflow: Process object: DefinitionBC-BMT-WFM
SWWWIDHWorkflow Runtime: Deadline Monitoring of Work ItemsBC-BMT-WFM
BDSPHNM20BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical ObjectsBC-BMT-WFM
SWT_LOGCATWorkflow trace catalogBC-BMT-WFM
T77S0System TableBC-BMT-WFM
SWP_SUSPENWorkflow instances: Suspended work item callbacksBC-BMT-WFM
SWBRULETXTWF: Language-Dependent Texts for Rules and Rule SystemsBC-BMT-WFM
SWN_MSGTMPLTWF Notif: Message Template, TextsBC-BMT-WFM
T778SPlanning StatusBC-BMT-WFM
WFIUTWorkflow: Processes "in UPDATE TASK"BC-BMT-WFM

Full List of SAP SAP Business Workflow Tables