SAP Table - T791Z

SAP TableT791Z
DescriptionPermitted Warranty Counters - General
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPlant Maintenance
Sub CategoryTechnical Objects

SAP Technical Objects Tables

EAML_CM_PROFID_TEAML: Context Menu Profile DescriptionPM-EQM
T790T_CWarranty Category Default ValuesPM-EQM
TITOBPROFTechnical Objects: View Profiles for Tab Index CustomizingPM-EQM
TPHIN_MPT_EXTExternal ID of Supported PHIN CountersPM-EQM
T370FLTFleet TypesPM-EQM
IMPTTMeasuring Point (Table)PM-EQM
T357Plant SectionPM-EQM
T370OObject Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocumentsPM-EQM
IFLOTX_VSFunctional Location Data Fields: Short Texts (Version Table)PM-EQM
T370TEquipment categoriesPM-EQM

Full List of SAP Technical Objects Tables