SAP Table - T7FIE5

DescriptioneLetter Format
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryFinland

SAP Finland Tables

T7FIA0Record Identifiers (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIV1Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage TypesPY-FI
T7FIE1Name for Customer ID's for eLettersPY-FI
T7FIT0Trade Unions FinlandPY-FI
T7FIE8Name for Image for eLettersPY-FI
T7FIE9Images used in a eLetter formPY-FI
T7FIB3Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIB2TPayment Type Texts (ATS)PY-FI
T7FITUPAssignment of Payee to Trade Union / Local FinlandPY-FI
T7FIEBLine of channel for eLetter TemplatePY-FI

Full List of SAP Finland Tables