SAP Table - T7PHTW

DescriptionPeriod Tax Withheld
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryPhilippines

SAP Philippines Tables

PA0634Philippines Previous Employer Information Info-typePY-PH
T7PHTWPeriod Tax WithheldPY-PH
T7PHTATax installment amounts per salary bracketPY-PH
T7PHTETax Exemptions per statusPY-PH
T7PHCPPag-Ibig GroupingPY-PH
T7PHREMinimum wages per Region PhilippinesPY-PH
T7PHCDBusiness DetailsPY-PH
T7PHRSReceipt number and Issue dates-Company Grouping.PY-PH
T7PHSMSSS Sickness and Maternity BenefitsPY-PH
T7PHCTTax GroupingPY-PH

Full List of SAP Philippines Tables