SAP Table - T7SAPBS38T

DescriptionMandate Type Text
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryKingdom of Saudi Arabia

SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables

T7SAPBS48Scholarship Type for KSA Public SectorPY-SA
T7SAPBS60CPromotion Condition SetupPY-SA
T7SAPBS66Absence Type Limit ConditionPY-SA
T7SAPBS12Country and AreaPY-SA
T7SAPBS75Point range of Appraisal Result From IT0025 KSA PBSPY-SA
PA3329HR Master Record: Infotype 3329PY-SA
T7SAPBS28Define Overtime Extension LimitPY-SA
T7SAPBS52TFinal Grade Text for KSA Public Sector ScholarshipPY-SA
T7SAPBS23TWork Organization Type TextPY-SA
T7SAPBS25TJob Speciality Category TextPY-SA

Full List of SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables