SAP Table - T7SAPBS72

DescriptionRank/Grade (Customer)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryKingdom of Saudi Arabia

SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables

T7SAPBS61TPromotion Rule TextPY-SA
T7SAPBS24Exemption ReasonPY-SA
T7SAPBS28Define Overtime Extension LimitPY-SA
T7SAPBS39TAllowance/Benefit TextsPY-SA
PA3343HR Master Record: Infotype 3343PY-SA
T7SAPBS13Special Date Type RulePY-SA
T7SAPBS18Special Time Period ConfigrationPY-SA
T7SAPBS34Assign Pay Scale to Job ClassificationPY-SA
T7SAPBS67Job Classification TypePY-SA
PA3329HR Master Record: Infotype 3329PY-SA

Full List of SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables