SAP Table - T811PC

SAP TableT811PC
DescriptionResults of Checks of Assignments for Cycle Run Groups
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryControlling
Sub CategoryOverhead Cost Controlling

SAP Overhead Cost Controlling Tables

A132Price per Cost CenterCO-OM
A136Price per Controlling AreaCO-OM
A137Price per Country/RegionCO-OM
A138Price per Company Code/Business AreaCO-OM
A139Price per Profit CenterCO-OM
ABC_F4TABCO-ABC: Table for Subdividing F4 Data ElementsCO-OM
ABC_FTREETCO-ABC: Texts for Tree StructureCO-OM
ARCU_COIT1Residence Times for CO Line ItemsCO-OM
ASACCESS01Activate Automatic Archive Access via SAP ASCO-OM
AUAASettlement Document: Receiver SegmentCO-OM

Full List of SAP Overhead Cost Controlling Tables