SAP Table - TA20A

SAP TableTA20A
DescriptionAPI Server Access Parameters
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryTravel Management

SAP Travel Management Tables

T702_BKZCountry and Industry Specific Indicator (Public Sector)FI-TV
FTPT_VARIANTTable of Travel Plan VariantsFI-TV
TA23DEC1Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
FTPT_PNRElements of passenger name records of travel plan variantFI-TV
T706S_RECEIPTTrip Schemas: Assignment of Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FSPIMR: Assignment Table Passengers-Segments-TSTFI-TV
TA20BControl Variant for Travel PlanningFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SURFACEIMR - Other Segments of Trip as FlightsFI-TV
PTRV_TRIP_CHAINTable of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.FI-TV

Full List of SAP Travel Management Tables