SAP Table - TA20WWW

DescriptionWWW Link Catalog for Information Sources
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryTravel Management

SAP Travel Management Tables

T706B1Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
TA20DBAccess Parameters for Deutsche Bahn via APIFI-TV
TA23TRVCC_FINDPayment Method ModifierFI-TV
TA21HORoom categoryFI-TV
FTPT_CSX_PROFILERelationship SAP Human Resources Number - Amadeua ProfileFI-TV
TA21CARental Car ClassesFI-TV
TA23TVTTA_FIND1Activity Type ModifierFI-TV
TA20NC1Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent)FI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SEATSIMR: Seating InformationFI-TV
TA20ROUTINGRoutes for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV

Full List of SAP Travel Management Tables