SAP Table - TB039T

SAP TableTB039T
DescriptionBP ID Categories: Texts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryApplication Platform
Sub CategoryMaster Data

SAP Master Data Tables

COMC_SCHEMENumbering SchemeAP-MD
COMM_PRFREEATTRHFree Attributes for a Product - HistoryAP-MD
T371Z_TIB: Text Table for T371ZAP-MD
TB048BP: Applications for Distributing Time-Dependent DataAP-MD
BUT030TBP Object Usage: Application Table, TextsAP-MD
TBZJ1CSAP BP Dialog: Sequence and Activation of Subheader IDsAP-MD
CRMBP_MAP_BUGRPMapping of Business Partner GroupingAP-MD
COMC_PRWB_ILProduct Workbench: Assignment of Relship Type to Object TypeAP-MD
COMT_TEMP_MRSet Type TemplateAP-MD

Full List of SAP Master Data Tables