SAP Table - TB050

SAP TableTB050
DescriptionScreen Config. (Obsolete from Second Edition VCT)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryApplication Platform
Sub CategoryMaster Data

SAP Master Data Tables

TB104_2BDT Field Grouping per External Application Part 2AP-MD
COMC_IL_TYPE_SFWDefinition of Switch per Relationship Type and Product TypeAP-MD
TBZ3Y_01BDT Field Grouping: Link rules for Different ObjectsAP-MD
TBZJ1CSAP BP Dialog: Sequence and Activation of Subheader IDsAP-MD
CVIC_MAP_CONTACTAssign Contact Persons in CVIAP-MD
CRMC_TAX_TCODE_TDescription for Assignment of Tax Scale Code to a CountryAP-MD
COMM_PRFREEATTRFree Attributes for a ProductAP-MD
TB071_TDefine Business Partner Tax GroupsAP-MD
TBZ1FAssign BDT Events -> Function ModulesAP-MD

Full List of SAP Master Data Tables