SAP Table - TB2BS

DescriptionTC: Header Text Types Whose Changes are to be Saved
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassG
Main CategoryLogistics - General

SAP Logistics - General Tables

HBSAFFAffected building in Home Building SolutionLO
MGWUSRINDEXSelection Worklist (User)LO
IVPH_MTARTPharma IView - material type tableLO
EPM_KPI_CATALOGTKPI Text (Language-Dependent)LO
TB2BCTrading Contract: Purchasing GroupingLO
CRMC_TEXTCRM: General Mapping Table for TextsLO
HBSCNBConfiguration <-> condition indexingLO
CHBSHTPPossible Sales unit typesLO
ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_TText for list of functions supported by SAPLO
CRMM_IPM_TRRCO_TIPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) TextsLO

Full List of SAP Logistics - General Tables