SAP Table - TBD11

SAP TableTBD11
DescriptionALE Object Type
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryMiddleware

SAP Middleware Tables

EDIPOXUConversion of special characters for XMLBC-MID
TRFCQSTATEDescription of qRFC Call Conditions (Inbound Queue)BC-MID
EDISEGMAPMapping of IDoc SegmentsBC-MID
TRFC_I_DESTClient and Destination name for Inbound tRFCBC-MID
BDSERSerialization Time: Last Date at Sender for Each ObjectBC-MID
UCONPROFILETEXTUnified Connectivity Service TextBC-MID
EDIDOCINDXControl record (IDoc)BC-MID
IDXEDISDEFIDoc Adapter Segment Versions for each PortBC-MID
TBDBEBAPI-ALE Interface for Inbound ProcessingBC-MID
TBD12Mapping message type -> serialization and link typeBC-MID

Full List of SAP Middleware Tables