SAP Table - TBKK12

DescriptionArchiving Period (Obsolete)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryBank Components

SAP Bank Components Tables

JBRABREGTABRM: Write-Down Rule for P+L EvaluationIS-B
BKKTERMTerm Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt SavingsIS-B
JBAMPGPARALM Market Price Weighting: ParametersIS-B
TBKKICTRAmount Authorization/Dual Control Payment ItemsIS-B
KLSI01_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header)IS-B
VTBLIILimit Utiliz.: Rel. Bet. Single Record and Totals RecordIS-B
TBKK47Account Status EnhancementIS-B
TBKK8DSTText Tables Dynamic BalancesIS-B
JBAFOKOKOCondition HeaderIS-B
CE4E_B1Model BankIS-B

Full List of SAP Bank Components Tables