SAP Table - TCUA

DescriptionConfiguration: Find Layout for Configuration Result
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategoryVariant Configuration

SAP Variant Configuration Tables

TCUQConfiguration: Configurable ObjectsLO-VC
CUOBOM_CHANGEManually Changed Items in the Order BOMLO-VC
PDS_OPR_MAPPINGPersistant operation mapping for PDS integrationLO-VC
PMEVC_AFFIX_TMPLTemplate with affix (i.e. prefix and postfix) rulesLO-VC
KRIFRichie RiffleLO-VC
CUCOAdditional Data for Configurable ObjectsLO-VC
TCUAConfiguration: Find Layout for Configuration ResultLO-VC
CECUSDTConfiguration editor: design: descriptionsLO-VC
CUSEPRESMaterial Variant Matching Preselection + SettingsLO-VC
CECUSDConfiguration editor: design: basic dataLO-VC

Full List of SAP Variant Configuration Tables