SAP Table - TFK8034T

SAP TableTFK8034T
DescriptionText Table for TFK8034
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables

TFK001ZAlternative Posting Data for G/L TransferFI-CA
DFKKRDI_AGGRFHAggregated Distribution Information (Revenue Distribution)FI-CA
TFKHTVOSubtransactions for Credit Postings in FI-CAFI-CA
TFKPKItem indicator in paymentsFI-CA
DFKKREPTCLClearing Information for Receipt DocumentsFI-CA
TFK8163TManagement of CIT4 Tables (Texts)FI-CA
TFK_SECGeneral settings for security depositsFI-CA
DFKKOPCOLLCollection: Log of Receivables SubmittedFI-CA
DFKKBIXE8164FWorking Version CIT Class Configuration (Table TFK8164F)FI-CA

Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables