SAP Table - TFMCA_ACTN_0010S

DescriptionTRM BRF+: System Table for Scenario
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector

SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables

TIVXACDREVTYPRELAssign Revenue Type to Condition TypeIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF112BRF: Text Name and Text ID for Additional ItemsIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF460BRF: Parameters for Updating Context StructureIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF770BRF: Create LocationIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF176BRF: Parameters for Creating BRF Messages: Parameter fIS-PS
TFMCA004Parameters for Main/Sub-TransactionsIS-PS
PSSCD_GPDITEMGross Payment Docment Item DataIS-PS
TFMCA_INCORR_FRMRelationship Between Inbound Corr. Category and Form TypeIS-PS
DFMCA_WIHEADHAdditional Data for Workflow Item (History)IS-PS
TFMCA_PHASE_ADDAttributes for Form ViewsIS-PS

Full List of SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables