SAP Table - TFMCA_ACTN_0012A

DescriptionTRM BRF+: Application Table for Check Condition
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector

SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables

TFMCA_TC_SCCustomizing Table for Status Codes for Tax CasesIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF168BRF: Start Workflow Action - Basic DataIS-PS
PSSCC_DDT_RANKRanking of Deduction TypesIS-PS
TFMCA_BRF221BRF: Parameters for Calculation Line ItemsIS-PS
DFMCA_TF_UET_LLine Item Table of Unemployment TaxIS-PS
TFACT_TYPE_PARTTFact Type Part DescriptionIS-PS
TFMCA_COV_001TText Table for TFMCA_COV_001IS-PS
DFMCA_FORM_CONTSData Table for Data Container KeyIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF860BRF: Check RelationshipIS-PS
TFMCA_TRANSTYPESTransaction Type for Tax ProcessingIS-PS

Full List of SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables