SAP Table - TFMCA_ACTN_0012S

DescriptionTRM BRF+: System Table for Check Condition
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector

SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables

DFMCA_CORRM_ICRTemp table for saving enhanced ICR setting for manual corr.IS-PS
PSSCD_LINKLink Table for PSSC objectsIS-PS
TFMCA_RM_RCPEWeighting Percentage Settings for Risk CategoryIS-PS
DFMCA_TRACE_0100TRM BRF+: Indx-typed table for Lean TraceIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF510BRF: Parameters for Creating Tax ObligationIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF_MSGTax Calculation and Validation: Error MessagesIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF182BRF: Parameter for Accessing Context Data with Where ConditnIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF481BRF: Parameters for Turnaround Letter in Form ProcessIS-PS
TFMCA_RM_QPRFAAnswer Definition of Question Answer ProfileIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF580BRF: Parameters for Activating TOBLIS-PS

Full List of SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables