SAP Table - TFMCA_ACTN_0013S

DescriptionTRM BRF+: System Table for Check Content
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector

SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables

TFMCA_TF_UI_LCustomizing Table for Table Form Line Item Table UIIS-PS
TFMCA_RC2REVReason Code Link <--> Revenue TypesIS-PS
TFMCA_FORMPROCCFPF: Form-Based Process and Variant ConfigurationIS-PS
TFMCA_ACTN_0011ATRM BRF+: Application Table for FormfieldIS-PS
TFMCA_BRFP_DOBJBRF+ Dataobject Mapping TableIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF090BRF: Parameter for Settings Inbound Corresp. to CompletedIS-PS
TFMCA_EXC_MSGCustomizing Workflow Item: Exception MessageIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF171BRF: Progressive CalculationIS-PS
DFMCA_PT_JURJurisdiction CodesIS-PS
TFMCA_ACT_LISTAmendment Action ListIS-PS

Full List of SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables