SAP Table - TFMCA_COV_003

DescriptionBusiness Partner Overview: Definition of Tab Pages
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector

SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables

TFMCA_BRFP_EXPRBRF+ Expression for phase conceptIS-PS
TFMCA_ECMD_DEFDefinition of Template Structure for ECMDIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF200BRF: Parameters for Writing Values in XML NodesIS-PS
DFMCA_BRF141BRF: Parameter for Setting BlocksIS-PS
TFMCA_FPF_HOBJFPF: Form Processing History - Object TypeIS-PS
DPSOBTYP_CSAttributes for Citizen Service ProductsIS-PS
DFMCA_PT_CF_ADDAdditional values of cashflow (Property Tax)IS-PS
TFMCA_COV_CLUBTIS-PS-CA: Set Hierarchy Cluster Builder Business Part. EnvirIS-PS
TFMCA_BRF236BRF: Check Rules for Form FieldsIS-PS
DPSOB_UPDOWNLOADContract Object: Mapping Up and DownloadIS-PS

Full List of SAP Industry-Specific Component Public Sector Tables