SAP Table - TICL355

SAP TableTICL355
DescriptionDiagnosis: Permitted Severity
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Services
Sub CategoryClaims Management

SAP Claims Management Tables

TICL383Employee Marital StatusFS-CM
ICLINDRESAClaim-Independent Reserve - Case Reserve - AssignmentFS-CM
TICL125Permitted Roles per Transaction Type in Procurement ProcessFS-CM
TICL366TTexts for State of Teeth (Dental Diagnosis)FS-CM
TICL302TType of Damaged or Insured ObjectFS-CM
ICL_CCONTEXTContext-Dependent FS-CM Data SelectionFS-CM
ICL_CMAP_SVASVMaintenance: Target/Source Value AssignmentFS-CM
ICLPOLOWAInsured WatercraftFS-CM
ICSITEMWADamaged WatercraftFS-CM
ICL_CMAP_INTFAMaintenance: InterfaceFS-CM

Full List of SAP Claims Management Tables