SAP Table - TICL386

SAP TableTICL386
DescriptionEmployee Marital Status
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Services
Sub CategoryClaims Management

SAP Claims Management Tables

TICL162Benefit Type Tree: Permitted Benefit TypeFS-CM
TICL217Specify GUID Fields of Tables for Claim AssignFS-CM
ICL_WCMPD_SCHFS-CM: Item Data Workers CompensationFS-CM
TICL094TClaim Processing SubmodeFS-CM
TICL390TLoss Conditions - Type of LossFS-CM
TICL133Internal Claim Type: Permitted Interruption ReasonsFS-CM
TICL388Initial Treatment CodeFS-CM
ICLBPCLAIMArchived ICLPARTOCC Entries per Business PartnerFS-CM
ICSEACTIVITYTask in Claim Bundle Shadow TableFS-CM
TICL389Loss Condition - ACTFS-CM

Full List of SAP Claims Management Tables