SAP Table - TICL864

SAP TableTICL864
DescriptionReserve Group Cluster
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Services
Sub CategoryClaims Management

SAP Claims Management Tables

ICLULAEACCRESAdditional Reserve Amounts at Claim Year and Coverage LevelFS-CM
TBSFC004Facts Capture CategoryFS-CM
TICL123Transaction Type for Procurement ProcessFS-CM
TICL302TType of Damaged or Insured ObjectFS-CM
TICL017Business Partner Screen Sequence DeterminationFS-CM
TICL347Office Integration: Assignment of Field Name to TemplateFS-CM
TICL160TGeneration of Benefit Type Tree - TextFS-CM
TICL360TTexts for Diagnosis TypeFS-CM
TICL386TEmployee Marital StatusFS-CM
TICL396Object or Substance That Directly Injured the EmployeeFS-CM

Full List of SAP Claims Management Tables