SAP Table - TIVA6

DescriptionTable No Longer Used (Replaced by T001R)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryReal Estate Management

SAP Real Estate Management Tables

S408Land registersRE
TIVB2Correspondence application - Correspondence activity alloc.RE
TFINDSAPscript: Search and replace strings in text modulesRE
VIBEMEAssign rental units to correction itemsRE
TIVROZ1AIPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%)RE
VIVW01Management contract: General dataRE
TIVKUE2Period regulation - periods of noticeRE
TIVBADay shift (text for TIVB1)RE
TZR4Allocation of external roles to various application areasRE
TIVCGAccnt determ. key 2 for mgt contract accnt det. - TextsRE

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