SAP Table - TJ20T

SAP TableTJ20T
DescriptionTexts for Status Profiles
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryCross-Application Components
Sub CategoryGeneral Application Functions

SAP General Application Functions Tables

TCUXDependency Maintenance - StatusesCA-GTF
VBCC_MAP_PRODUCTMap Product Definitions HeaderCA-GTF
WFAFC_TAGDAY_GLOTagged History - Obsolete as of 5.0CA-GTF
WFMC_COSTCosts (out of use for Retail)CA-GTF
AENRCNVData for Converting Change NumbersCA-GTF
CRMC_USR_CNTXTContext for CRM Portal UsersCA-GTF
T880Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)CA-GTF
RMPSPRO_RECTYPETNA: Document Type (client-independent)CA-GTF
CNV_20000_IKPFBackup copy of IKPF (header for phys. inventory document)CA-GTF
T77HAP_VALTYAppraisal Value ListsCA-GTF

Full List of SAP General Application Functions Tables