SAP Table - TMAN1T

DescriptionTrigger Condition, Description
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassG
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

TMBW1Source of Supply KeysMM-PUR
WRFT_POHF_SCHEDSeveral Schedule Lines within Seasonal ProcurementMM-PUR
CPEC_MM_VALTERMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in MMMM-PUR
CPEC_MM_VALRULEArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in MMMM-PUR
FIP_I_ACC_TYP_TText table for access typesMM-PUR
EBUBIndex for Stock Transport Requisitions for MaterialMM-PUR
WGRC_RES_DOORDoor Resources for a Specific PeriodMM-PUR
CRS_PURCHITM_MAPMapping of CRM purchase assignments to preq itemsMM-PUR
EKKIPurchasing Condition IndexMM-PUR
FIP_D_STAT_SQTable containing the Past Sales Quantity statistical dataMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables