SAP Table - TNRT2T

DescriptionTest no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

BDSPHRE2BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information ObjectsBC-SRV
TPTGCOBJGUI Objects (Enhancement Layer)BC-SRV
TOAANWATTLink Table for Application AttributesBC-SRV
GEOLDELREQGeolocations That Are Marked for DeletionBC-SRV
FDT_EXPR_2100AFDT: Expression - XSL TransformationBC-SRV
KWBPHFKW BDS Demo:: Physical Information Object FilesBC-SRV
BDS_PHNMBDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical ObjectsBC-SRV
ADRUS2Shadow Table_2: Communication Usages (BAS)BC-SRV
TSPPF_PRPR_001Print ProfileBC-SRV
TBRF144BRF: Value Requests for Tables, RowsBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables