SAP Table - TQ01A

SAP TableTQ01A
DescriptionCUA status and CUA title for QM
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryQuality Management

SAP Quality Management Tables

MC05QV0UDNSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC05QV0UDN (Usage Decision)QM
QMDS_REMARKRemark for Digital SignatureQM
QMDS_REMARK_TText Table for Remark for Digital SignatureQM
QNOTIF_HEADER_DSDigital Signature for Notifications - Header LevelQM
QNOTIF_TASK_DSDigital Signature for Notifications - Task LevelQM
QOD_ATT_CONFIGAttachment ConfigurationQM
QOD_CONFIGCommon ConfigurationQM
QOD_MAIN_CMain Applications ConfigurationQM
QOD_STATUS_CQM Statuses CustomizingQM
QOD_STATUS_CTQM Statuses CustomizingQM
TQ01QM basis table for transaction-screen controlQM

Full List of SAP Quality Management Tables