SAP Table - TSP8T

DescriptionDescription of graphical objects
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryUse Subcomponents

SAP Use Subcomponents Tables

FILETEXTCIFile Name DescriptionBC-CCM
ALTSTLODMonitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard LoadBC-CCM
TCDATETRGTable for date time triggersBC-CCM
SWLN3WORKLNon-R/3 Statistic: Summarized Statistic Data (Aggregates)BC-CCM
TSPSVISpool: Server Information (Updated by Spool Work Processes)BC-CCM
LCRT_QUAL_LUAI-LCR: Qualifier Declarations LookupBC-CCM
TSPCPCTPROBSOLETE CPC: Target system group / printer group relationsBC-CCM
ARCH_ROUT_RULEArchive Routing: Header Per Archiving ObjectBC-CCM
TFRT_SRCH_CHARTGTypeface Repo - Search table codepoint in TrueType fontBC-CCM
SQLRUSERCustomizing Table for SQL Trace InterpreterBC-CCM

Full List of SAP Use Subcomponents Tables