SAP Table - TW11T

SAP TableTW11T
DescriptionBalance sheet indicator (Text)
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTreasury

SAP Treasury Tables

FRWRDDATESStart and End of Term of a Forward TransactionTR
VZROLLEPartner / role listTR
JBDRATEBARDeviation range of ref. int. rates depend. on exact timeTR
TZB0TFlow types text tableTR
VTB_MARKET_TDatafeed: Temporary market data copy for workflowTR
TW12BAV asset group 501TR
TW53Listing keyTR
TCRC_CSPR_TYPE_TCredit Spread Type - TextsTR
TW09Premium reserve fund listTR
FLQQRLiquidity Calculation - QueriesTR

Full List of SAP Treasury Tables