SAP Table - TW12

SAP TableTW12
DescriptionBAV asset group 501
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryTreasury

SAP Treasury Tables

TDO9TType of Heritable Building Right (Descriptions)TR
ATVO5Volatilities - Flow DataTR
TZK05Allocation: Calculation type - KOPO fieldsTR
JBRBFARTBeta factor typeTR
VWPT_ATTRSUF_TTexts for Suffixes of Free Security AttributesTR
MDUWVMkt Data: Assign New Key for Sec. Price TypeTR
ATVO3Statistics Type for Parameterizing Estimation FunctionsTR
FLQQRTLiquidity Invoices - Query TextsTR
SPKR1Partner-Vendor relationshipTR
MDUCMVMarket Data: Code Conversion for Index TypeTR

Full List of SAP Treasury Tables