SAP Table - TZ13

SAP TableTZ13
DescriptionTax office stock indicator
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTreasury

SAP Treasury Tables

VZPARZAPartner addit. data (general part)TR
MDUWRMarket Data: Assign New Key for Securities/Key 1TR
INDEXDIndex definition (security index)TR
TZ39Indicator for circular R5/97 appendix 10TR
FLQITEMT1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans.TR
FLQITEMBSLiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Bank Statement DocsTR
MDUVVMkt Data: Assign New Key for Volatil. TypeTR
TW56Security price typeTR
TZBABGCustomizing: Accrual/Deferral Flow TypesTR
VWPT_ATTRSUFSuffix to Security AttributeTR

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