SAP Table - TZB0T

DescriptionFlow types text table
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTreasury

Related Articles for SAP TZB0T Table

SAP Treasury Tables

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TZ12Changes in net assetsTR
FLQITEMT1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans.TR
TZZKDIS-IS: Business trans./Role alloc. --> Doc.categoryTR
TZBABGCustomizing: Accrual/Deferral Flow TypesTR
TZ36Check table for R5/97 appendix 3/4TR
JBD16CURRReplacement of currencies for yield curve typesTR
JBREVALRisk Management evaluation type - definitionTR
ATCOVOCommodity Price VolatilitiesTR
VWPT_ATTR_DESCDescription of Free Security AttributeTR

Full List of SAP Treasury Tables