SAP Table - TZK03

SAP TableTZK03
DescriptionAlloc.of VZZKOPO fields to field string items(MODIFY SCREEN)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryReal Estate Management

SAP Real Estate Management Tables

TIV29Combination of adjustment type - usage cat./ext. usage typeRE
TIVB2Correspondence application - Correspondence activity alloc.RE
TIV63Reasons for input tax optionRE
VICN04RE Contract: Owner House BanksRE
TIVN2Defaults for Settlement Participation of Condition TypeRE
TIVROZ0IIPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%)RE
TIV6ANames of institutions supplying credit informationRE
TIV5GTexts for the quality of property locationRE
TIV55Key conversion fuel type DARWIN <-> Accountancy firmRE
VIED02RE: Text Lines for Memos on RE ObjectsRE

Full List of SAP Real Estate Management Tables