SAP Table - UCS020T

SAP TableUCS020T
DescriptionTask Groups: Text
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryStrategic Enterprise Management

SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables

BDSLOPR13BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information ObjectsFIN-SEM
UCT2012Single Field Selection: Node Type and ValueFIN-SEM
UCUW011SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object ListsFIN-SEM
UPB_CMI_104CMI: Assignment Function ModulesFIN-SEM
UMR_RI140TRMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Text Table)FIN-SEM
UMM_FR102Frames: Key FiguresFIN-SEM
UMB_SC120Scorecard: Strategy Assignment (Time-Dependent)FIN-SEM
UCMD02CAutomatic Line ItemFIN-SEM
UCFE04SSAP Cons: SID Table for Headers of Online Data EntryFIN-SEM
UCM100TExplicit Values: TextFIN-SEM

Full List of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables