SAP Table - UGMD310S

DescriptionFIN Master Data: Text Node
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryFinancials Basis

SAP Financials Basis Tables

FINB_KF_CHAR_KEYKey Fields Generated Table TypesFIN-FB
UGWB0100Application-Specific URL HandlerFIN-FB
UGCM0001Object Types of Change ObjectsFIN-FB
ACCDOM02Business Domain <-> InfoObject Catalogs AssignmentFIN-FB
UGMD2152FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: CompoundingFIN-FB
UGMD2030FIN Master Data: Restrictions on HierarchiesFIN-FB
UGMDL1001FIN Master Data: Local Roles in ApplicationsFIN-FB
ACCSEL01Selection Condition: CharacteristicsFIN-FB
FINB_COMP_DEPSDependencies between ComponentsFIN-FB
ACCBUSTRANS0TTexts for Business Transaction TypesFIN-FB

Full List of SAP Financials Basis Tables