SAP Table - UGWB200C

DescriptionFIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryFinancials Basis

SAP Financials Basis Tables

UGMD2146FIN Master Data: Field Prop.: Texts of Nav. AttributesFIN-FB
UGWB020TPossible Jump Targets for Report-Report InterfaceFIN-FB
FINB_SCOPEContent in ScopeFIN-FB
ACCCLSSTEP_ASGNAssignment of Period Rules for the Closing PhasesFIN-FB
UGMD2181FIN Master Data: Value Fixings for Attribute MappingFIN-FB
ACCROLE11Application Role Registration: ClassesFIN-FB
UGX0050Dimension Mapping: Value MappingFIN-FB
UGMDTRANSFIN Master Data: Cluster Table for TransportFIN-FB
FINB_TABLETYPESTable Types as Interface for ConfigurationFIN-FB
FINB_TIOBC_NMValue Defaults for Info-Object Catalog NamesFIN-FB

Full List of SAP Financials Basis Tables