SAP Table - UGX001C

SAP TableUGX001C
DescriptionDatabase - Check Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryFinancials Basis

SAP Financials Basis Tables

UGMD1009FIN Master Data: Roles Allocated AutomaticallyFIN-FB
UGR31021FIN Master Data: Buffer Table for DataSource PropertiesFIN-FB
UBC_TB_CECommunication Data for Transfer to Service BillingFIN-FB
FINB_CONF_DISP0CConfiguration: Logical Names for FM DispatcherFIN-FB
UBC_TB_SAPFI0Structure Assignment for Creation of BI SessionsFIN-FB
ACCSYS0TName of Accounting SystemFIN-FB
ACCSEL0CSelection ConditionFIN-FB
UATSPRIMOBJTable Search: Encryption of Primary TableFIN-FB
UGMDL1011FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Hierarchy EdgesFIN-FB
ACCJOURNAL0CObsolete: Former: Journals in the Accounting DocumentFIN-FB

Full List of SAP Financials Basis Tables