SAP Table - UGX0020

SAP TableUGX0020
DescriptionTaxonomy - Files
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryFinancials Basis

SAP Financials Basis Tables

UBC_TT_ACTVTexts for Values of Account Assignment FieldsFIN-FB
FINB_GN_TBPDirectory of Blue PrintsFIN-FB
UGXV106Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy NodesFIN-FB
FINB_DMT_CONFIGData Retention, Configuration Object of Totals PersistenceFIN-FB
FINB_MD_0200Registration: InfoObjectsFIN-FB
FINB_TMSGAPPL02Messages are collected from messaty type per appl. contextFIN-FB
FINB_TMSGAPPL0TTexts of Message Handler ApplicationsFIN-FB
FINB_GN_TEXBP_XEnhancement of the Configuration Key of a BlueprintFIN-FB
UGMD3011FIN Master Data: Restrictions on HierarchiesFIN-FB
FINB_TACCOMMObsolete !!! Accounting CommunityFIN-FB

Full List of SAP Financials Basis Tables