SAP Table - UMR_RI131

SAP TableUMR_RI131
DescriptionObsolete: RMS Graphic Settings
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryStrategic Enterprise Management

SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables

USC_CONTACTSRM Contact: Central Storage of ContactsFIN-SEM
BDSCHKF13BDS: File Name at Last CheckoutFIN-SEM
UMB_SC182Objectives: Initiative Assignment (Time-Dependent)FIN-SEM
UMR_RI020Risk: Catalog HierarchyFIN-SEM
UCFE020SAP Cons: Assignment of Form to Data Entry GroupsFIN-SEM
HRPERSONEELinking Employee / Central PersonFIN-SEM
UCMP020Perm. Parameters: Char.Values per Cons AreaFIN-SEM
UMR_RI111RMS: Assignment of TS-Specific Deviation Value FieldsFIN-SEM
USC_PHNMPRUSC Documents:: Attributes of Target Anchor RelationshipsFIN-SEM
BDSPHIO13BDS: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsFIN-SEM

Full List of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables