SAP Table - UMV_TR112

SAP TableUMV_TR112
DescriptionObsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Fields of a Value Driver
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancials
Sub CategoryStrategic Enterprise Management

SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables

UPB_CMI_107CMI: User-Dependent Default SelectionsFIN-SEM
UCF610CConsolidation of Investments: ActivitiesFIN-SEM
UMM_FR109Value Ranges: 4 QuadrantsFIN-SEM
UCF0020Method Steps: HierarchyFIN-SEM
UMR_RI114RMS: Measure Selection and AttributesFIN-SEM
UMB_OFL_STATUSDownload Process StatusFIN-SEM
USSDPHREPRUSS Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOsFIN-SEM
UMB_SA101Strategic Advice: ReportFIN-SEM
UCF222TC/T: Translation Procedure: TextsFIN-SEM
UCS0102Tasks: CU-Dependency of Method AssignmentFIN-SEM

Full List of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables