SAP Table - VIAR03

DescriptionRE: REsearch - Offering/Searching Party (Web User)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryReal Estate Management

SAP Real Estate Management Tables

TIV31Occupancy obligationRE
TIV40Asset class assignment - Main usage typeRE
TIVCN01TResubmission - Text Table for TIVCN01RE
VIBEAMAllocate assets to correction itemsRE
TIV6BCredit standing of real estate applicant - TextsRE
TVIRPReports for printing letters in DARWIN-Real EstateRE
VIWIV3Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Outside FundsRE
BDSPHHR26BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsRE
VIOB10Number of rooms per rental unitRE
VITAXROutflows for correction itemsRE

Full List of SAP Real Estate Management Tables