SAP Table - WBGT

DescriptionGlobal Trade: Generic Document Information
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategoryGlobal Trade

SAP Global Trade Tables

TWBPOSTTYPETTrading Expenses: Posting TypeLO-GT
WBCPM_C_STA_TPCPM Calc Types per Status Type (for Header)LO-GT
TPOFOAPortfolio: Define ResponsibilityLO-GT
WB2_C_CALC_QLTYAnnouncement of ProcedureLO-GT
WB2_C_BVTAB_AFRebates: Business Volume Amount FieldsLO-GT
TEWSCEN2ENHAssignment to Classes that Perform EnhancementLO-GT
TWCBTXTGRPText Determination ProcedureLO-GT
EAGLT_CONFIRMstore UUID of confirmation to test asynchronous servicesLO-GT
WB2_C_CAT2PRassignment of pricing categories to comm. item cat.LO-GT
TWCBCONTRTYPETCondition Contract Type TextsLO-GT

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