SAP Table - WOSA

DescriptionSAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Entities Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategorySAP Retail Store

SAP SAP Retail Store Tables

TWIC1001FSRS Stammdaten: Fields on TabstripLO-SRS
TWIC1200Basic Settings for SAP Retail Store Article Master Maint.LO-SRS
TWIC0510In-Store MIM: Sales Order Basic DataLO-SRS
WOSCR_RSNReasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing)LO-SRS
TWIC0800SAP Retail Store: Basic Data for Sales Prices ScreenLO-SRS
TWICSKEYTSAP Retail Store: Selection Box Key TextsLO-SRS
TWIC1010BSAP Retail Store II: Assignn Permitted G/L AccountsLO-SRS
TWIC1320Assignment of menu itemsLO-SRS
WSMAN_PT_BUFFERStore Manager Portal: Buffer for Availability DisplayLO-SRS
WSTI_PDC_EVENTRetail Store Physical Inventory: PDC TransactionsLO-SRS

Full List of SAP SAP Retail Store Tables