SAP Table - WOSCR_GRP_004T

DescriptionSRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of Accounts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategorySAP Retail Store

SAP SAP Retail Store Tables

TWIC1002SAP Retail Store Master Data: Buttons on Initial ScreenLO-SRS
WOSCR_EXI_001SRS Conv. Retailing - Groups for Expense Invoice AccountsLO-SRS
TWIC0501Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Allowed Order TypesLO-SRS
WOSCR_CBL_COCODECash Balancing: Settings for Each Company CodeLO-SRS
TWICSCMTIACs Retail: Customizing Schema TextsLO-SRS
TWICOBJTIACs Retail: Customizing objects, textsLO-SRS
TWIC1321BAssigment of buttons to device type: Device, task assignmentLO-SRS
WSTI_POS_EVENTPhysical Inventory in an Opened Store: POS Trans by ReceiptLO-SRS
WSTI_DB_TMP_ITEMSAP Retail Store temporary persistence item tableLO-SRS
TWICOBJIACs Retail: Customizing objectsLO-SRS

Full List of SAP SAP Retail Store Tables