SAP Table - ZGVB

DescriptionGVB Schadensdb Data
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategorySAP Business Information Warehouse

SAP SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables

RSTT_TREQSTAStatus Buffer for Test RequestsBW
RSTT_LOCK_TDLock Table for Test Data ProcessingBW
RSCRMD_IMP_TRACETrace results tableBW
RSFOLDERHierarchies: Nodes which cannot be posted toBW
RSSOURSYSTEMBW: Souce system IDs tableBW
RSSOURSYSIDTText of Source System IDBW
RSTT_TDATABBlock-by-Block Data Packages of the Test Data ArchiveBW
RSTT_TREQArchive for Test RequestsBW
RSTT_LOGUNTSBW ATR - Special Test ParametersBW
ZGVBGVB Schadensdb DataBW

Full List of SAP SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables