SAP Product Cost Controlling Information System (CO-PC-IS) Tcodes

KKOKClient Copy of FormsCO-PC-IS
KKORReport SelectionCO-PC-IS
KKOTSplit ReportCO-PC-IS
KKOVMaintain Global VariableCO-PC-IS
KKOWMaintain Currency Translation TypeCO-PC-IS
KKR0CO Summarization: Hierarchy MaintenaCO-PC-IS
KKR1CO Summarization: Summ. Object TypesCO-PC-IS
KKR2CO Summarization: Summ. CharacteristCO-PC-IS
KKRAOrder SummarizationCO-PC-IS
KKRCSummarization: CO ObjectCO-PC-IS
KKROData Collection: Product DrilldownCO-PC-IS
KKRPProject SummarizationCO-PC-IS
KKRSSummarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)CO-PC-IS
KKRVData Collection Product DrilldownCO-PC-IS
KKRZSummarization: Process Mfg (COC)CO-PC-IS
KKSBStart Selected ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKOPReorganize FormsCO-PC-IS
KKOOReorganization of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKO0Run Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKO1Create Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKO2Change Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKO3Display Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKO4Create FormCO-PC-IS
KKO5Change FormCO-PC-IS
KKO6Display FormCO-PC-IS
KKO7Maintain Key FiguresCO-PC-IS
KKO8Background Processing of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKOGCharacteristic Groups for CostingCO-PC-IS
KKOHTransport of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKOITransport of FormsCO-PC-IS
KKOJClient Copy of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKOMTest Monitor Object Record ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKONReorganization of Report DataCO-PC-IS
KKSDOrder List for Order-Related Production CO-PC-IS
KKV1View Maintenance Sel. Production OrdersCO-PC-IS
OKN2Control Info Sys Prod Cost by OrderCO-PC-IS
OKN3Control Info Sys Prod Cost Sales OrdCO-PC-IS
OKN4Control Info Sys Prod Cost by PeriodCO-PC-IS
OKN8Control Info Sys Prod Cost PlanningCO-PC-IS
OKNFControl Info Sys Intangible GoodsCO-PC-IS
OKQ0Classification Data (Summarization)CO-PC-IS
OKQ1Classification Data for Object RecordsCO-PC-IS
OKQ2Define Reference CharacteristicsCO-PC-IS
OKQ3Define Reference Character. (Orders)CO-PC-IS
OKQ4Define Reference Chars (Projects)CO-PC-IS
OKQ5Maintain Hierarchy Struct. (General)CO-PC-IS
OKQ6Maintain Characteristic StructureCO-PC-IS
OKT4Define Report Writer LanguagesCO-PC-IS
OKVOCall Summariz. Hierarchy for OrdersCO-PC-IS
ORETReport SelectionCO-PC-IS
OKN0Control of CO-PC Information SystemCO-PC-IS
OKLIReport Tree: Process ManufacturingCO-PC-IS
KOC4Cost AnalysisCO-PC-IS
KSBBRun Selected ReportsCO-PC-IS
KVBISales Documents: Line Items ActualCO-PC-IS
OKKBSelection Screen MaintenanceCO-PC-IS
OKKCMaintain Sel. Screens for Order-Relative CO-PC-IS
OKKDMaintain Sel. Screens Intern. OrdersCO-PC-IS
OKKYMaintain Selection Screens for MTOCO-PC-IS
OKKZMaintain Selection Screens Process MfgCO-PC-IS
OKL1Report Tree for CO-OPACO-PC-IS
OKL2Report Tree: Order-Related Production CO-PC-IS
OKL3Report Tree: Sales-Order-Relative Production CO-PC-IS
OKL4Report Tree: Repetitive MfgCO-PC-IS
OKL5Report Tree: Unit CostingCO-PC-IS
OKL8Report Tree: Product CostingCO-PC-IS
OKLFReport Tree: Cost ObjectsCO-PC-IS
SRETReport SelectionCO-PC-IS
KKECCompare Base Object - Unit Cost EstCO-PC-IS
KKDVCO-PC: Summarization level maintenance CO-PC-IS
KKCSCost Objects: Line Items - ActualCO-PC-IS
KKAHSales Order SelectionCO-PC-IS
KKB0Control Parameters for Info SystemCO-PC-IS
KKB1Costing Items for Sales DocumentCO-PC-IS
KKBZDisplay Hierarchy ListCO-PC-IS
KKBIImport/Generate FI/CO Report GroupsCO-PC-IS
KKBGGenerate Report GroupCO-PC-IS
KKBFOrder Selection (Classification)CO-PC-IS
KKBEOrder Selection with VariancesCO-PC-IS
KKBDOrder Selection Without VariancesCO-PC-IS
KKB3Costing Items for WBS ElementsCO-PC-IS
KKB4Itemization for Base Planning Object CO-PC-IS
KKB5Costing Items for MaterialCO-PC-IS
KKB6Configure Report TreesCO-PC-IS
KKE7Report Tree Base Planning ObjectCO-PC-IS
KKADOrder List for Make-to-OrderCO-PC-IS
CK88Partner Cost Component SplitCO-PC-IS
CK87Costed BOM Sales OrdersCO-PC-IS
CK86Costed Multilevel BOMCO-PC-IS
CK85Line Items in Cost Est for OrderCO-PC-IS
CK84Line Items in Cost Est for ProductCO-PC-IS
CK83Print Cost Estimates in BackgroundCO-PC-IS
CK82Select Cost EstimatesCO-PC-IS
CK80Flexible Cost Component ReportCO-PC-IS
KKB2Costing Items for Cost ObjectCO-PC-IS
CK89Flexible Cost Comparison Report SaleOrderCO-PC-IS
KKEDBOM for Base Planning ObjectsCO-PC-IS
KKACSales Order Hierarchy DisplayCO-PC-IS
KKABRun Selected ReportsCO-PC-IS
KALNReport Tree: Maintenance Reconcil. LedgerCO-PC-IS
CKMRReport Selection Material LedgerCO-PC-IS
CKMKControl of Information System MLCO-PC-IS
OKLHReport Tree: Engineer-to-OrderCO-PC-IS
KKBCMain Tree for CO-PC Info SystemCO-PC-IS
KKB0NControl Parameters for Info SystemCO-PC-IS
KKMLVMaintain Global VariableCO-PC-IS
KKML5Change FormCO-PC-IS
KKMLOReorganization of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKML8Background Processing of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKML0Run Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKML1Create Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKML2Change Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKML3Display Drilldown ReportCO-PC-IS
KKML4Create FormCO-PC-IS
KKMLPReorganization of FormsCO-PC-IS
KKMLMTest Monitor Object Record ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKML6Display FormCO-PC-IS
KKMLHTransport of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKMLITransport of FormsCO-PC-IS
KKMLJClient Copy of ReportsCO-PC-IS
KKMLKClient Copy of FormsCO-PC-IS
KKML7Maintain Key FiguresCO-PC-IS
KKMLNReorganization of Report DataCO-PC-IS
CK84_99Material: ItemizationCO-PC-IS
CK85_99Sales Document: ItemizationCO-PC-IS
CK80_99Material: Cost ComponentsCO-PC-IS
CK87_99Sales Document: Multilevel BOMCO-PC-IS
CK86_99Material: Multilevel BOMCO-PC-IS
CK88_99Material: Partner Cost Comp. SplitCO-PC-IS
CK89_99Sales Document: Cost ComponentsCO-PC-IS
CK79_99Material: Itemization ComparisonCO-PC-IS
KKBC_BPRAnalyze Business ProcessCO-PC-IS
KKBC_KTRAnalyze Cost ObjectCO-PC-IS
KKBC_KUNAnalyze Sales OrderCO-PC-IS
KKBC_MATAnalyze Material Cost EstimateCO-PC-IS
KKBC_HOEAnalyze Summarization ObjectCO-PC-IS
KKBC_PKOAnalyze Product Cost CollectorCO-PC-IS
KKBC_KSTAnalyze Cost CenterCO-PC-IS
KKB_RLISEReport List (Single-Level)CO-PC-IS
KKB_RLISHReport List (Hierarchical-Sequent.)CO-PC-IS
KKB_RLISPReport List (Data Check Only)CO-PC-IS
KKBC_ORD_INTAnalyze Internal OrderCO-PC-IS
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